
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Begining

I’ve wanted to start a blog for a long time, but I’ve been putting it off.  I’ve always worried I wouldn’t have the time to dedicate to it, or that the content would be lacking, as well as other random things.  However, I’m putting that behind me and just going with it.

In my blog, I’ll have random things. Movie reviews, Quotes, random thoughts about current events, random blabbing, and even a “What are you wearing today?” post here and there.  I’m really hoping a few people stumble upon the blog, read it, and comment. 

There are really two reasons I have started a blog. The first, and probably the most common reason, is to share my opinion with others. The second, to improve my writing skills and my ability to get my point across.
I’m a very opinionated individual, and I want others to know what I think. I know people will agree and people will disagree, but that is what makes humans.  The ability to form opinions, to share ideas, and discuss them to great lengths.  Call me sappy, but it is almost romantic.

As far as writing skills, mine are very lacking.  I was never a fan of grammar or anything to do with the subject of “English” in school.  I was the one who was waiting for math, science, and the bell to ring so I could go home.  I am hoping that with the blog, that overtime my ability grows.  Word usage and grammar are all things I need to work on.
Well, with that said…

*announcer’s voice*
Please make sure any loose items are secure and that your hands and feet stay inside the cart at all times.  Sit back and please enjoy your ride on…

The Ramblings of a Gentleman

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